Sunday, August 13, 2017

"Ain't nothing sweeter than a Georgia peach."

Georgia...the land of peaches as my sister would say.
  This past week I have spend my time in Georgia/Alabama. What an incredible week I have had! I came down to Georgia for several reasons but primarily I came down to visit my best friend, Liv Lawnick. Liv and I met about 5 years ago at Newberry College in South Carolina. She was one of my athletes and I her athletic trainer. Liv and I did not become close until we both ended up moving to Columbus, GA in 2013. Now, if you would have asked me to chose one person from Newberry to bring with me to GA, it would not have been Liv. Liv and I were friends but not close and not someone I typically would call up to hang out with. We were in different stages of life. When I moved down to Columbus, GA, Liv was the only person I knew and she invited me over for dinner. Sense then our friendship has grown tremendously and we both have been through so much. She is my best friend. She is the person I can call up in the middle of the night and cry to. She is the person I can FaceTime 10x a day and not get bored. She is "my person." 

  I went on my first job interview for a physical therapist assistant position. The interview went great and I am eager to get started working wherever God leads me. I am not praying specifically for a position but just praying for God's guidance. 

   I turned 28 down here. Liv and I carried on our birthday tradition of thrift store book shopping! We both LOVE to read and kind of have an addiction to buying used books. After our binge shopping of books we went to get Mexican food at my favorite restaurant down here, El Carrizo. We topped off the night by going to Bruster's Ice Cream. Some may think, "What a boring birthday", but to me I enjoyed ever minute of it. 

   While I was down here, I also had a great opportunity to attend the Global Leadership Summit. I got to hear from some great speakers such as, Bill Hybels, Sheryl Sandberg, and Gary Haugen, to name a few. I will do another post on my experience at the summit later and go into more detail. I highly recommend the summit to anyone, even if you do not consider yourself a leader because everyone is a leader in some way.

   Another huge reason I came down to Georgia is to attend Cascade Hills Church. I talk about this church a lot because it has had a huge impact on my life and it is why I have a desire to be back down in this area. This church is AMAZING and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. This church gives you the opportunity to get plugged in as little or as much as you would like. Their is literally a bible study, small group, or church service you can attend and be a part of every day of the week. They do a really good job incorporating all ages as well. Living in so many places I have come to realize that my age group often times gets neglected and it's really frustrating, so I took advantage of the opportunities while I was here. On Saturday, I attended the Women's Fitness Group and got to meet a handful of ladies to workout with and fellowship with. Saturday night I attended the Young Professionals bible study. Following bible study I attended church service where I got to worship and here a great message from Pastor Bill Purvis. Following service Liv and I got to have a great conversation with Pastor. On top of all of that, we got to have shaved ice after church! Now, if you know me you know how much I LOVE shaved ice!!! 

   Today was the best of all the days here! I got to baptize Liv! What a great experience and opportunity! I am so happyy for her and I can't wait to see her life continue to flourish. 

   I have one more day down here and although it will be sad to leave my best friend and the church I love, I know that I will be back soon. I may even move back here if it is where God guides me. 

    After completing my 100 happy days and enjoying my trip down here, I will be taking some time away from social media and tuning in more to God. From August 16th - September 6th I will be fasting from social media. I need some time away from the distractions, the negativity, and I need to dedicate the time i spend on social media to God. I will still continue to blog as I feel more connected to God through my blogging and don't really consider a distraction but a channel for me to express my thoughts and spread God's word.

- Jenn 😘


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