Saturday, April 30, 2022

Cytotec (Misoprostal) Experience

      After we found out baby number 2 had no heartbeat I had my HCG blood drawn to see what my levels were at. The results came back within the normal range of where I was suppose to be according to gestation. That gave me a little hope, maybe it was too early to see a heart beat. I was scheduled for a second HCG blood draw 48 hours later. That result came back with a decline in HCG of 2000. At that point we knew it was a miscarriage but still held out a little hope for the confirmation ultrasound one week later. God is in the business of performing miracles and I was praying this would be one. I just remember that weekend was just excruciatingly long. I had an appointment for Monday at 3pm and it couldn't come soon enough. We went in for the ultrasound and it was confirmed no heartbeat. Of course we were completely devastated. How could this happen 2x in a row! 2% chance of back to back miscarriages. We now joined the 1 in 100 statistic of reoccurring losses.

 We were given 3 options at this point.

1. Wait for a natural miscarriage to happen 
2. Take Cytotec to induce a miscarriage 
3. Have a D&C 

Waiting for the miscarriage to happen naturally wasn't really an option in my book. My HCG was dropping so slowly and it would be a long time before I may actually miscarry. I also was extremely nauseous and just wanted to feel better. Also, I just started a new job and wanted to have at least some control of the timing. 

Cytotec was highly suggested by both my doctor and my husband. I was hesitiant on taking it as I would have to go through the physical pain of the miscarriage and two it may not even work. The good thing about cytotec is it happens quickly after you start taking it and it avoids instruments in the uterus that can cause scar tissue to build up. 

The third option was a D&C which I was leaning towards. Its quick and easy and you are put under for it. You know all the tissue is taken out. Also the tissue can be tested for abnormalties. The risk is scar tissue forming in the uterus which could cause issues with implantation of another pregnancy. 

In the end we ended up choosing the cytotec. I had Friday of that week off of work due to low census so I had planned to induce the miscarriage Thursday night after work. How it worked was I was given 8 pills/tablets. I was too insert 4 pills vaginally close to the cervix and lay down for 30 minutes to and hour. The pills are suppose to start working within 6 hours. I inserted the pills around 2-230pm and anxiously awaited the pain/cramping to start. I didn't have any. It was getting close to the 6 hour mark and I still hadn't had any cramping or bleeding. Finally right at 6 hours I had some very minimal spotting but at this point it was not progressing like it should. I was frustrated. Not only was my body failing me with this pregnancy but also with cytotec now. 

So 830pm came and I had to insert 4 more pills. I laid down and put on a TV show. It was around 10-11 and still nothing was happening. I was so frustrated, why wasn't my body reacting the way it should? I finally just took an Ativan and fell asleep. Around 1-2am I woke up and I could tell I was bleeding. I went to the bathroom and as soon as I sat down I began to pass a ton of clots. I was having some minor cramping but not awful. I went to lay back down in bed and within 5 minutes the cramping got worse and worse. I then just made a bed on the bathroom floor. I continued to pass a ton of clots and BIG ones. 

Around 3am I'm laying on floor crying because I was in pain physically and mentally. Thankfully my doctor prescribed me some tramadol and I took one of those. About 10 minutes later I passed the baby and the sac entirely in one big
piece. Which was painful! We were told if I passed the baby we could save it and get it tested. I yelled for Daniel and we were able to collect it and store it properly. 

 After I passed the baby the cramping went down significantly. It was more emotional pain now. I was finally able to get some rest now too. 

The next morning I took the baby in to the doctors office to get tested. Testing would take 2-3 weeks. Now the emotionally healing began. A friend said it best, "Let's face it, you'll never be the same." I couldn't agree more. 

Would I choose the cytotec again if I had a missed miscarriage again? I'm not sure. The pain wasn't awful and the fact that I was in a little bit of control and was able to see everything be passed kinda helped. But in reality what we would learn a month in a half later is the cytotec didn't work completely and I ended up with a D&C anyways. So unfortunately it may have delayed the healing procress. I would say if my reproductive endorcrinologist recommended cytotec I would probably do it again but I would want an ultrasound done after to ensure the tissue was all cleared out. All in all it wasn't an awful experience.


  1. Hey there. I’m really sorry to hear about this…my sister has had back-to-back miscarriages over the past 18 months and it has been brutal. She ended up in the hospital twice for fainting due to blood loss, and has been feeling lonely as not many people are talking openly about their experiences. Thank you for sharing, and I wanted to extend my condolences.

    I actually am about to have a neck dissection for metastatic PTC and that’s how I came across your blog. I’m absolutely terrified and am finding myself in tears every night, as I am only 10 days away from the operation. I am worried about my voice, and about how I will feel after it is all said and done, but being able to read about your experiences has helped a lot. Thank you so much.

  2. I am so glad that you are finding some help from these. You got this! The surgery honestly wasn't awful! Praying for you
