- Community requires commitment. Only the Holy Spirit can create real fellowship between believers. Ephesians 4:3 says, "You are joined together with peace through the Spirit, so make every effort to continue together in this way." It takes our effort and the power of God to produce a loving Christian community. Some people grow up in a unhealthy relationship and they lack relational skills. It is important for us to be patient with others and understand where they are coming from and where they have been.
- It is important in real fellowship that we always speak the truth. Often times it is easier to stay quiet when someone else is doing something wrong to avoid confrontation but its not loving. Most people do not have anyone in there lives to tell them the truth, so they continue on doing sinful behavior. It is important to have people around us that will be honest with us and keep us accountable. Often times we usually know what needs to be said but our fears keep us from saying them. We don't want confrontation. Galatians 6:1-2 says, "Brothers and sisters, if someone in your group does something wrong, you who are spiritual should go to that person and gently help make him right again. But be careful, because you might be tempted to sin, too. By helping each other with troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ." Often times church fellowship remains superficial because they are afraid of conflict. Rick Warren says, "The tunnel of conflict is the passageway to intimacy in any relationship." When we go through conflict with someone and resolve it, we grow closer to them. Honesty is always the best.
- The 3 things that destroy fellowship are self-importance, smugness, and stubborn pride. These things build walls between people, humility soothes. It is important to have a humble attitude. "Pride blocks God's grace in our lives which we must have in order to grow, change, heal, and help others." Rick Warren. We receive grace from God by saying we need it. "You can develop humility in very practical ways: by admitting your weaknesses, by being patient with others, by being open to correction, and by pointing the spotlight on others." To have humility we have to not think less of ourselves but think of ourselves less. We need to put other peoples need above are own sometimes.
- As christians we need to respect each others differences, be considerate of others feelings, and be patient with people who irritate us. Some people need extra grace. God places these people in our lives for their benefit and ours. It teaches us patients and helps us grow as christians and love on one another. It gives us an opportunity to grow. We may not understand what they have been through but we can have empathy for them. We should never downplay peoples doubts just because we don't fear the same thing that doesn't make what they are feeling invalid. This is so true. I have battled with anxiety my entire life. I have been on medication for and gotten off of and and back on it. People that do not experience anxiety do not know what its like. I have had people tell me its all in my head and I don't need medication. I understand that and yes I agree it is all in my head but, when it becomes a problem where I can't eat and sleep, I need to do something about it. Yes, prayer helps but there are times when my anxiety over powers everything. I hate when people put me down for things they don't understand. We have to be courtesy to others and pray with them no matter what they are going through even if we don't understand it, no matter how big or small.
- What is shared in small group needs to stay in the the small group. It's important that we not gossip about others. Proverbs 16:28 says, "A useless person causes trouble, and gossip ruins friendships." This is so true and happens so often. If someone comes to you sharing something you should not go to someone else and gossip about it, it needs to remain confidential.
- We need to have regular contact with our small groups to build genuine friendship. "Community is built not on convenience but on the conviction that I need it for my spiritual health." Rick Warren. To grow to spiritual maturity we need to be apart of a small group and meet regularly to help us grow.
1. Authenticity
2. Mutuality
3. Sympathy
4. Mercy
5. Honesty
6. Humility
7. Courtesy
9. Frequency
Real fellowship prepares us from heaven.
Point to Ponder: Community requires commitment.
Verse to Remember: "We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave his life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers." 1 John 3:16
Question to Consider: How can I help cultivate today the characteristics of real community in my small group and my church.
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