to Him. They are kept forever. But the children of the sinful will be cut off." God says he will never leave us BUT, he did not promise we will always feel His presence. Just because you may not feel His presence does not mean God has left you. You are not alone. Every Christian goes through it at some point in their lives, it is vital to our development and our relationship with God. God tests are faith through these times. Rick Warren says, "The most common mistake Christians make in worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God." We should go to church to seek God rather then seek and experience or an emotion. "Faith, not feelings, pleases God." Rick Warren. I feel, from experience, the situations that stretch you the most will often times be the biggest blessing in your life. Pastor John Ryser at Damascus Friends Church in Ohio said, "Whenever God is going to do something big in your life you will be stretched. Whenever God wants to do a great thing in your life you will have a difficulty. He confronts people with difficulties because he's got something great planned." How do you continue to praise God when He seems distant or you feel you are being stretched? There are four ways:
1. Tell God EXACTLY how you feel
- When you are going through a storm and have anger, doubt, and fear. Tell God. Unload all your emotions on God. He can handle it and he wants you to. Rick Warren says, "Admitting your hopeless is a statement of faith."
2. Focus on who God is - His unchanging nature
- V. Raymond Edman says, "Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light." Often times we doubt what God has told us when we are going through a storm. If God laid something on your heart and told you something, he will make it happen in due time. In the meantime you can always find things to praise God for. Praise God for allowing you to wake up. Praise God for your health, education, family, friends, etc. I recommend if you are having a hard time doing this to start the 100 happy days challenge. For 100 days post a picture of something that makes you happy that day and then praise God for that.
3. Trust God to keep His promises
4. Remember what God has already done for you
- If you can't think of anything in your life right now to praise God for remember what he already has done for you. He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for you so that you would not have to spend eternity in hell.
Pondering the question of the day, I need to remain focused on God in the good times as well as the bad. Everything happens for a reason and we need to praise God in the storm and on a clear sunny day!
Verse to Remember: "For God has said, 'I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.'" Hebrews 13:5
Question to Consider: How can I stay focused on God's presence, especially when He feels distant?
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