So I started this journey May 1, 2017. I have read through this book but not in the correct way and in the way you are suppose to, one chapter a day for 40 days. You are suppose to do this with someone because like it says in the bible: "Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up...Two people can resist and attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break." Ecclesiastes 4:9 So my best friend Liv Lawnick and I are starting this journey together and eventually Lauren Stout will be joining us. So here is to the next 40 days of finding our purpose. At the end of each chapter there is a point to ponder, verse to remember and question to consider I will put these at the end of each day
Day 1, May 1st, "It All Starts with God":
IT ALL STARTS WITH GOD! So many times in my life I get brought off center from this I start getting into my worldly possessions and desires when that is not where my mind should be. This life isn't about me. "Your purpose is far greater than your own personal fulfillment." Rick Warren. We were created for a bigger purpose then the career we choose, the spouse we have, the worldly possessions we have and desire. If we want to know why we are placed here on earth we have to begin with God. We were born by his purpose and for his purpose! If we continue to focus on ourselves we will NEVER reveal our life's purpose, we need to focus on God. "You cannot arrive at life's purpose by focusing on yourself." Rick Warren. Being successful and fulfilling your life's purpose are not the same. You can go your whole life and reach all your goals and dreams and still miss the purpose God created you for! You have to ASK GOD. Talk to him, communicate with him through prayer, meditation, and turn to God's word and not the world's wisdom. Their are so many self help books out there trying to guide you but those are nothing compared to how God can guide you if you trust him. Trust me, I struggle just as much as the next person when it comes to fully trusting God and surrendering to him. I am not perfect, no one is.
Point to Ponder: It's not about me.
Verse to Remember: "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." Colossians 1:16b
Question to Consider: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?
Day 2, May 2nd, "You Are Not an Accident":
YOU ARE NOT AN ACCIDENT! Your parents may not have planned for you but GOD did! Long before you were conceived you were conceived in God's mind. God created you with intention and purpose. He chose the parents you were to have. He chose every detail of you! He chose your hair color, your skin color, the freckles you have, the moles you have, etc. He also chose what talents you were going to have and what your personality was going to be like. He also decided when you would be born and how long you will live. Every detail in your life he has planned out. Now at times this is hard to believe. God planned for me to have cancer 3 times? Yes, he did because it has made me a stronger person! God planned for me to meet the guys I met and go through the break ups and heart aches? Yes, he did! He did it to make me a stronger person and grow in my faith and trust in him. Every detail of our lives is planned out. Its not a coincidence that the people you meet are in your life they are their for a reason, a season, and a purpose! Psalm 139:16: "You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!" You see that, EVERY DAY WAS RECORDED IN HIS BOOK! Hard to believe at times but God does have a plan. "Nothing in your life is arbitrary. It's all for a purpose." Rick Warren. God has a reason for everything he creates. Isaiah 46:3-4 "...I have carried you since you were born; I have taken care of you from your birth. Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you. I will carry you and save you."
Russell Kelfer wrote this poem and it helps bring it all together:
You are who you are for a reason.
You're a part of an intricate plan.
You're a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God's special woman or man.
You look like you look for a reason
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You're just what he wanted to make.
The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God's plan in mind,
And they bear the Master's seal.
No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you'd grow.
You are who you are for a reason
You've been formed by the Master's rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!
Point to Ponder: I am not an accident.
Verse to Remember: "I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." Isiah 44:2
Question to Consider: Knowing that God uniquely created me, what areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?
Day 3, May 3rd, "What Drives Your Life?"
Each day I read a chapter I go "Wow" this book is a life changer and so amazing! I missed so much the first time I read it and I don't think it's by chance that I am reading it again and in the correct way. Today Rick Warren talks about what drives your life. "The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder - a waif, a nothing, a no man." - Thomas Carlyle
The 5 most common things people are driven by:
1. Guilt
- These types of people are manipulated by memories and they allow the past to control their future. They end up sabotaging their own success because of the guilt that they have.
"We are products of our past but we do not have to be prisoners to them." Rick Warren
"God specializes in giving people a fresh start." Rick Warren
Personally I feel I struggle with this one a little but it is not my strongest driving force.
2. Resentment/Anger
- These types of people hold on to hurts and never get over them. "Resentment always hurts you more than the person you resent." Rick Warren "Those that have hurt you in the past can not continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain of resentment." Rick Warren
This one I do struggle a little more with I have some resentment right now and I let it ruin my day at times and as time goes on it gets better. This is not my top driving force but it is part of it.
3. Fear
- These types of people have the fear to venture out and end up missing out on opportunities. I see this a lot, people are afraid to move away from home or quit a job and start something new. They play it safe to avoid risks. "Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be." Rick Warren
In the past I have struggled with this but now I would say I don't have this as a driving force. I've moved several times away and switched jobs and careers multiple times. Each time I have fear but God always takes care of me and is guiding me to my purpose.
4. Materialism
- These types of people desire to acquire. They need to realize that possessions can only provide temporary happiness. Shopping and buying things can feel great at the time but again its temporary happiness. We have to realize that the most valuable things in life are not things. When I am going through a rough time I sometimes want to just go buy things and going on a huge shopping spree but that just leaves me happy for a few moments and then broke and my happiness is gone.
5. Approval
- This one is ME exactly! These types of people are always worried about what others think. "One key to failure is to try to please everyone." I struggle badly with this one. "Being controlled by the opinions is a guaranteed way to miss God's purposes for your life." Rick Warren So often I am seeking the approval of others whether it be my parents, a significant other, or friends. I am a chronically nice person and I always want to please everyone. It eats away at my heart if someone is mad a me. I can't eat, I can't sleep, it's bad. This is a big area i need to work on. The only approval I should be seeking is God's.
5 Benefits of Living a Purpose Driven Life
1. You Find Meaning to your LIFE
- Without God life has no purpose. We were all created for a purpose! You need to hope to cope.
Jeremiah 29:11 "I say this because I know what I am planning for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future."
2. Simplifies Your LIFE
- You being to figure out which activities are essential and which are not. You need to ask yourself, "Does this help me fill God's purpose for my life?" If there are things in your life that you can't get done its because you are doing more than what God intended for you to do. Slow your life down and realize the essential activities. "People who don't know their purpose try to do too much - and that causes stress, fatigue, and conflict." Rick Warren
3. Focuses your LIFE
- Living a purpose driven life helps you focus on whats important. "Without a clear purpose you will keep changing directions, jobs, circumstances, relationship, churches, etc," Rick Warren I have done this so much in the past 3 years its unbelievable. I truly believe I have found my purpose in serving others now and being a PTA but it will be interesting to see once I finish these 40 days. To focus you have to prune things and people from your life. It is important that you do not confuse activity with productivity. Just because you are busy doesn't mean you are productive.
4. Motivates YOU
- When you find your purpose you always find your passion. I feel very fulfilled when I am serving others. I enjoy helping others and serving others.
5. Prepares YOU for eternity
Point to Ponder: Living on purpose is the path to peace.
Verse to Remember: "You, LORD, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you." Isaiah 26:5
Question to Consider: What would my family and friends say in the driving force of my life? What do I want it to be?
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