- God's plan has always been to make us more like his son Jesus. We humans are the only things made in God's image. All people possess a part of the image of God - but the image is incomplete and has been damaged and distorted by our sins. God sent Jesus to restore the full image. "This desire to be a God shows up every time we try to control our circumstances, our future, and people around us." (Rick Warren). How many of us try to control our future? I know I do. I constantly think of my future. Who will I marry? When will I have kids? When will my debt be paid off? Why can't I live in the present? If I'm not living in the future I'm living in the past. Why did my past relationships not work out? Why did I end up getting 2 degrees and am going back for a third to figure out what I wanted to do? Why, why, why? We, including myself, need to live in the present! God's ultimate goal for us is character development. His goal is to change our character not our personality. Life is suppose to be difficult, it enables us to grow. We go through each of the difficult times in our lives to help us grow. We exist for God's purpose, not vice versa.
- "It is the Holy Spirit's job to produce Christlike character in you." (Rick Warren). Sanctification is the process of changing us to be more like Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make changes God wants us to make in our lives. Sometimes he nudges us with a gentle whisper or a huge tug. 1 Kings 19:12 says, "After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." Often times the Holy Spirit just talks to us in a gently whisper or through someone else.
- Obedience unlocks God's power. We have to be obedient in order to have the blessings God has in store for us. God often times waits for us to act first, its how our character develops. In order to grow spiritually we have to actively participate. We have to make an effort to become like Jesus. Surround ourselves with people who are on the same spiritual path as you. Listen to music that will help you growth. Get connected with your church family. We have to let go of our old ways. Change the way we think and develop Godly habits. Post break-up I am struggling with this. I have such habits of texting my ex and its not because I'm holding out for him, its my crutch. It gives me comfort. I know I need to stop messaging him but I continue to do it, its my crutch. I will get there but why can't I cooperate with the Holy Spirit?
- "God's word produces the truth we need to grow, God's people provide the support we need to grow, and circumstances provide the environment we need to practice Christlikeness." (Rich Warren). In order for us to become more Christlike we need to read God's word regularly, connect regularly with other believers, and trust God in difficult situations. Trust is hard for me. God ALWAYS comes through for me and I have no reason not to trust him yet, still when I am put in a difficult situation I question God and its is wrong and sinful. Often times God uses people rather than miracles. He wants us to connect with others not just be in isolation of prayer and bible study. We need to have fellowship.
are only finished growing spiritually when we get to heaven or when Jesus returns. God is more interested in what we are more than what we do. He looks at our character not our job description. We have to make an effort to become like Christ or the world will bring us down.
Point to Ponder: I was created to become like Christ.
Verse to Remember: "As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more." 2 Corinthians 3:18b
Question to Consider: In what area of my life do I need to ask for the Spirit's power to be like Christ today?
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