- Acts 20:32 says, "Now I'm turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends." God gives us everything we could possible need. He shows us and tells us in His word. "Spiritual growth is the process of replacing lies with truth." (Rick Warren). In order for us to grow spiritually we must fill our lives with the word of God. God speaks things change, everything around us was created by God. "God's Word generates life, creates faith, produces change, frightens the Devil, causes miracles, heals hurts, builds character, transforms circumstances, imparts joy, overcomes adversity, defeats temptation, infuses hope, releases power, cleanses our minds, brings things into being, and guarantees our future forever!" (Rick Warren). God's word is as essential as food to us. We need spiritual nourishment to fulfill our purpose. More often than not believers have "spiritual anorexia". We need to make make abiding in God's word 1st priority:
1. I must accept its authenticity
- God's word is the authoritative standard of life, compass for direction, counsel to listen to make a wise decision, and a benchmark to evaluate everything. Troubles come because we base our choices on, culture (everything everyone is doing), tradition, reason (logical), and emotion. Proverbs 30:5 says, "Every word of God is flawless." We need to see what the Bible says first before we make any decision in our life. There are times in my life where I wish I would have followed exactly what the Bible says, I would be better off. We are not going to get God's blessings if we are not obedient with what His word says.
2. I must assimilate its truth
- We must receive the Word of God. We must listen/accept with a open attitude. If we are not learning something from reading the bible or from a sermon we need to check our attitude. God can speak even through the most boring teacher when were are humble and receptive.
- We must read God's word. If we read the Bible 15 minutes a day for a year, we can read the entire Bible in a year. If we read for 30 minutes a day we could read the Bible twice a year. All of us can make time for this. "Daily bible reading keeps you in range of God's voice." (Rick Warren). If you are having a hard time hearing God's voice, dig into his Word.
- We need to research and study the bible. Ask questions and write down our thoughts. Keep a journal. Write down your prayers, your notes from sermons, your answered prayers, everything!

- We need to reflect on it - meditation. Meditation is focused thinking. We select a verse and
reflect on it over and over and over in our head. "If you know how to worry, you know how to meditate." (Rick Warren). Like I've said before I should be a expert meditator because I know how to worry. I need to take that energy of worrying and turn it into mediation on God's word.
3. I must apply its principles

applications in our lives with others that we trust so that they can help us make wise decisions. This is why is it important to have a small group and a church family. "We always learn from others truths we would never learn on our own. Other people will help you see insights you would miss and help you apply God's truth in a practical way." (Rick Warren). Be careful who you take advice from though.
Point to Ponder: The truth transforms me.
Verse to Remember: "If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32
Question to Remember: What has God already told me in his Word that I haven't started doing yet?
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